Pearson Application for an appeal or a review of an administrative decision

The details provided in this application should include all the relevant issues the appellant would like us to consider in the appeal.

When completing the details, please pay particular attention to the "Grounds for appeal" section of this form, where you must provide valid grounds to explain your reasons for appealing. Please attach any relevant supporting information.

If you require clarification or assistance and are a centre based in the UK, please contact Pearson Customer Services at

If you require clarification or assistance and are a centre based internationally, please contact Pearson Customer Services at

*A private candidate is defined as a student who is entered for a subject by the centre and has not received any tuition at the centre for the subject during the academic year in which the exam series occurs.

Indicate below whether this is an application for a preliminary appeal or an appeal hearing.

**Please note that an appellant cannot proceed to an appeal hearing unless they have already completed a preliminary appeal.
If you believe that a marking/moderation error has occurred you must provide specific details of where the error has occurred with reference to the published mark scheme/criteria. Please note that the appeals process is not a further opportunity for a full paper review.
Date of the outcome of the review of marking/moderation, special consideration decision or malpractice determination or preliminary appeal that you wish to appeal.
Date of the administrative decision you would like us to review.
Date of outcome cannot be in the future.
Centre details

Candidate name Candidate number Component/unit code
For appeals related to moderated components/units please list all sampled candidates.

Upload evidence

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