Pearson | PTE
Thank you for contacting PTE (Test day experience)

We would like to assure you that our hard working team will look over your enquiry as soon as possible.

If you do not receive a response within 2-5 working days (excluding weekends and public holidays), we suggest that you check your registered email's spam and junk folders, prior to reaching out again to our Customer Service Team. Duplicate email enquiries may slow down our progress.

Please do not submit the same form twice as it may delay the response time.

We appreciate your patience if your specific enquiry requires more than 2-5 working days. 

Thank you again for your interest in PTE. 

If you have raised your concern at the Test Centre in the past 5 working days, we appreciate your patience and we will get back to you shortly. We want to assure you that we will get back to you in 5 working days.
If you have raised your concern at the Test Centre for more than 5 working days and we have not got back to you yet,  please accept our sincerest apology for the delay. In some occasions, our response may be in your spam/junk folder. We appreciate your patience.
We would like to inform you that if you wish to report an incident at the Test Centre, you must raise your hand and tell the test administrator immediately. They will do whatever they can to help and will ensure the problem is recorded and reported. Make sure you tell the test administrator about any problems you feel affect your ability to complete the test. Your test administrator will log a case in our system after reviewing the situation. Without their record of the problem, it is very hard for us to trace these issues later on. We appreciate your patience.

Test Taker's Details

Spell your first and middle names as they appear on your government issued ID. If you only have one name, enter it in the Last Name/Surname/Family name field and enter a full stop (.) in the “First Name” field. Please note, the only acceptable form of ID is the passport in most countries.

Spell as it appears on your government issued ID. If you only have one name, enter it in the Last Name/Surname/Family name field and enter a full stop (.) in the “First Name” field.

Make sure that your email is the same what you used for your registration.

Make sure that your email is the same what you used for your registration.

If you raised an incident at the test centre, we may not be able to investigate your matter without a case number. 
What is your enquiry about:

Please note, we advise you that you carefully read the categories and choose the most suitable one otherwise your request may get further delayed. There may be a dedicated team to handle your enquiry depending on the chosen category).

It is important that you provide detailed information regarding your enquiry.

For more information regarding our Acceptable documents, please click here
Candidate Details